Geospatial Environmental Analytics Solutions

Expertise in Climate, GIS, Agriculture, Water, Remote Sensing, and Machine Learning Solutions.

Scientific research publications that demonstrate our high-quality results.

Valencia, J. B., Guryanov, V. V., Mesa-Diez, J., Diaz, N., Escobar-Carbonari, D., & Gusarov, A. V. (2024). Predictive Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Yield in the Meta River Basin, Colombia: An InVEST Model Application. Hydrology, 11(2), Article 2.

Mutegi, J., Mouamine, I., Boulal, H., Amouzou, K.A., Valencia, B., Oberthür, T., Cook, S. 2023. The Role of 4R Plant Nutrition in Living Agricultural Landscapes: Developing the Nitrogen Water Carbon Nexus, Growing Africa 2(2): 2-7.

Valencia, J.B.; Guryanov, V.V.; Mesa-Diez, J.; Tapasco, J.; Gusarov, A.V. Assessing the Effectiveness of the Use of the InVEST Annual Water Yield Model for the Rivers of Colombia: A Case Study of the Meta River Basin. Water 2023, 15, 1617,

Valencia, J. B., Mesa, J., León, J. G., Madriñán, S., & Cortés, A. J. (2020). Climate vulnerability assessment of the Espeletia complex on Páramo sky islands in the northern Andes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8.

Cortés, A. J., Garzón, L. N., Valencia, J. B., & Madriñán, S. (2018). On the Causes of Rapid Diversification in the Páramos: Isolation by Ecology and Genomic Divergence in Espeletia. Frontiers in Plant Science, 9.

De Pinto, A., Li, M., Haruna, A., Hyman, G. G., Martinez, M. A. L., Creamer, B., Kwon, H. - Y., Garcia, J. B. V., Tapasco, J., & Martinez, J. D. (2016). Low Emission Development Strategies in Agriculture. An Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Uses (AFOLU) Perspective. World Development, 87, 180-203.